Thursday, June 19, 2008

Pictures of a Rainy, Gloomy Day

Don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight... Tomorrow's the start of a new term and the last term I'll be in my school... Plus all the carried-over workload I've yet to clear...

On to more comforting things. I really love the pictures taken by Tommy from Notes by Naive and Yasu from a a A. The perfect lighting, the emotions... ahh if only I could take such gorgeous pictures, pictures which make you feel so connected with the emotions conveyed by the photographer and ultimately make you smile. Nevertheless, this 'quest' has lead to countless experimentations with different angles and setting-fumbling with my trusty digital and phone cameras. Really can't wait till I am able to get hold of a DSLR...

There was a huge scary thunderstorm at around 3pm today... the lightning bolts gave out such bright light and the thunder was really deafening... And so with the intention of getting lovely shots, I whipped out my camera and took a little trip round the house so find lovely lighting or interesting angles...

Pictures below all taken from inside my house...
View from the Balcony:

From Dad's Room:

From my own room:

Another view from my room:

I took this shot from my balcony at 12.30am... I really love the soft glow of the moon and the really lovely clouds...

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